12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers | Cloudline Apparel

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers

The Mountains Are Calling And I Must Go

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

John Muir is arguably one of the greatest adventurers in history. He was an author, philosopher, naturalist, inventor and of course a hiker. His efforts helped preserve Yosemite National Park and start the Sierra Club, and his writings continue to inspire new generations to get outside and experience nature through hiking and backpacking. Today we've gathered 12 of our favorite John Muir quotes, and we hope they will inspire you to plan your next adventure!


1. John Muir on Catching a Mountain Sunrise

Waking up early on a weekend to hit the trail is a sacrifice made well worth it when you reach a mountain top in time to catch the sunrise. 

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains!" - John Muir


2. John Muir on the World While Hiking

When you are hiking through a forest, you have the chance to see the natural world up close. 

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world." - John Muir


3. John Muir on the Dangers of Staying Home

Modern life has made the draw of home stronger than ever, but taking the time to unplug and hit the trail is the perfect way to reset and reassess your priorities. 

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"Few places in this world are more dangerous than home. Fear not, therefore, to try the mountain passes. They will kill care, save you from deadly apathy, set you free, and call forth every faculty into vigorous, enthusiastic action." - John Muir


4. John Muir on Climbing Mountains

The good tidings of the mountains are a real thing, just ask any thru-hiker, backpacker, or climber. 

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings." - John Muir


5. John Muir on Hiking

We agree with Muir, we get a lot more than a great workout out of every hike we take. 

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir


6. John Muir on the Importance of Adventure

This is our favorite John Muir quote for those times we feel like we are working too much and not making time to get out into the mountains.  

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news!" - John Muir


7. John Muir What Mountains Can Teach Us

John Muir knows books. You probably know he wrote many books, but he also invented a mechanical desk that powered a light to read by and would switch his book every half hour. 

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"One day's exposure to mountains is better than a cartload of books." - John Muir


8. John Muir on Finding Happiness in the Mountains

Whether we climb the peaks or simply hike below, being in the mountains is our happy place.  

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"Doubly happy, however, is the man to whom lofty mountain tops are within reach." - John Muir


9. John Muir on Resting and Repose

If the first thing that you think of when you hear rest and repose is a day at home binging Netflix, then John Muir would challenge you to go to the woods and experience a better rest and repose.  

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"Come to the woods; for here is rest. There is no repose like that of the green deep woods." - John Muir


10. John Muir on Seeing The World While You Can

Our world is beautiful and many lifetimes wouldn't be enough time to see everything worth seeing, spend your time wisely and get a good look at as much as you can before it gets dark.   

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"The world is big and I want to get a good look at it before it gets dark." - John Muir


11. John Muir on the Universe

Nothing will make you appreciate your place in the universe more than observing the microcosm that is a forest. 

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness." - John Muir 


12. John Muir on the Call of the Wild

This is John Muir's most famous quote. You can find it on t-shirts, mugs, and posters. It's short, simple, and describes so perfectly how so many people feel about hiking. 

12 Inspiring John Muir Quotes for Hikers and Backpackers - CloudLine Apparel

"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

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