John Muir Quotes That Will Make You Want To Get Outside And Go Hiking | Cloudline Apparel

John Muir Quotes That Will Make You Want To Get Outside And Go Hiking

John Muir Practically Invented Hiking

John Muir with a walking stick, in the mountains.

John Muir spent much of his life advocating for wilderness and writing about his outdoor adventures. We have his efforts to thank for Yosemite and the creation of the National Park system. His collection of writing on the topic of the outdoors have given us many inspiring quotes that remind us to make time to get outside and go hiking. Here are a few of our favorites, including graphics you can save or print to put on your wall at work, the fridge or wherever you need a reminder to get outside. 


1. John Muir on the Call of the Mountains

This may be the most oft repeated quote from John Muir. It can be found on t-shirts, coffee mugs, posters, and all over social media. This quote speaks to adventurers everywhere, because as they grind through the work week wishing they were in the mountains, they can look towards the weekend and getting on the trail for a day of hiking and rejuvenation. 

"The Mountains Are Calling And I Must Go" - John Muir

"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir


2. John Muir on the Power of Nature

Many of John Muir's most famous quotes speak of the power of wilderness to provide wisdom, perspective and to fill in the gaps left by modern society. For Muir wilderness was the answer, it didn't matter what the question was.

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir

"In every walk with nature one recieves far more than he seeks." - John Muir


3. John Muir on the Magic of the Woods

If you spent your childhood playing in the woods you know exactly how right John Muir is. Beyond every tree was something new to explore, see and experience. Muir's love of the woods even led him to devote much of his later life to preserving the forests of the Western United States. 

"Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world." - John Muir

"Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world." - John Muir


4. John Muir on Mountains

Hiking or climbing to a mountaintop is one of our favorite outdoor pursuits. Earning a view through miles of sweat and switchbacks gives that view an intangible power that Muir aptly describes as good tidings. Whether you enjoy climbing or hiking, make time to regularly stand on mountaintops and be rejuvenated by the good tidings of the mountains and the incredible views. You won't regret it.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings" - John Muir

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings." - John Muir


5. John Muir on Work Life Balance

John Muir had his priorities straight, but even he sometimes felt the call of the rat race beginning to drown out the call of the mountains. We all need to make money to survive, but would you rather become a machine for making money or an adventure machine?

“I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news.“ - John Muir

"I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news." - John Muir


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